EKC 2012

Students Forum

In the framework of the EKC 2012 in Berlin, an EU-Korea YGF-Workshop is planned. One part is a talk about integration of korean descent in Europe. Therefore, a well known book author will be invited. Another part will be a professional workshop / coaching on the topic “Intercultural Communication”, which is an important soft skill needed in a globalized business world. A professional coach will be invited.

Venue: Berlin
Number of participants: 100 from Korea & Europe
Date: 26.-28.07.2012

Program: Friday, 27th July:
13:50-14:20: Invited talk about integration of korean descent in Europe
14:30-18:00: Professional workshop on Intercultural communication – Part I

Saturday, 28th July:
08:30-12:00: Professional workshop on Intercultural communication – Part II




Intercultural Communication Coach

Dr. Suk-Geoung Han

Dr. Han, Suk-Geoung

Graduated as Germany’s first doctor in Intercultural Communication, Dr. Suk-Geoung Han has been working as intercultural trainer for more than a decade. Dr. Han trained and advised renowned aviation, automotive, engineering and chemical companies and makers of household appliances and software from Germany, Korea, the Netherlands and Switzerland, both in Korea and in Europe. Her approach in training focuses on building European-Korean project teams and on assisting managers in acquiring negotiation and leadership skills.



Abstract for Presentation of Martin Hyun

Next year Koreans will mark their 50th anniversary in Germany. In December of 1963 both governments agreed upon a program that would bring korean coalminers to Germany. The first group of korean coalminers consisted of about 247 young promising prospects. They left Korea because they did not see a future in the land of the morning calm. Almost all of them never had work experience as coalminers but in order to start their new life, they were willing to do anything to escape from their old life, even if it meant to go underground. In 50 years of being in Germany it is time to look back. What have we accomplished? Did we arrive in German society? Where are we going? These are a few questions we have to ask ourselves in order not to go blindly in our future and preserve our heritage as Koreans in Germany.



Industry Forum Science School
ketep 한국에너지기술연구원
현대 자동차 삼성 종합기술원 삼성 테크윈 포스코 한국생산기술연구원
KEFICO 한국연구재단 기초과학연구원 현대 중공업
SK 이노베이션 한국화학연구원 포스텍 연구소 광주연구개발특구 한국식품연구원 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 한국기계연구원 한국표준과학연구원 한국과학기술연구원
한국해양과학기술원 KOSEN
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces 아시아나항공 이화여자대학교

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